The most popular package, which includes:​
Two 3-3.5 hour sessions
Held in the convenience and comfort of your own home, at dates and times suitable for your schedule
Course content tailored to your specific needs and wishes
In-course guided hypnosis
Hypnobirthing tracks to listen to during pregnancy and birth (recorded by Chloe, whose voice will be familiar)
Full course materials provided
Ongoing support by email and phone up to the birth
10% off other Hello Baby services, including antenatal classes and private midwifery appointments

What is covered?​​
Birth physiology: demystifying how birth works
Birth psychology: birth hormones and our emotions
Understanding fear of birth
Releasing fears and negative thoughts about birth
Creating a positive mindset using self-hypnosis
Birth affirmations
Re-framing the idea of 'pain'
Relaxation techniques including self-hypnosis
Breathing techniques
Managing anxiety during labour
Birth environment
Birth preferences / plan
Hypnobirthing alongside other forms of pain relief
Comfort measures for the different stages of labour
Massage techniques
Labour / birth positions, optimal fetal positioning
Birth partner support: working together
Informed consent and making choices
Navigating the unexpected
Any particular concerns you or your partner may have